
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 24 - "Stuck in Time"

(Click on ATC for a larger, more detailed view.) 

Process – I have been continuing the process of simplifying and streamlining my overwhelming to-do list.  Today’s focus was on streamlining creative projects and project supplies.  So I decided to use some things up so I could get rid of them.  I had one paint pen left that still had some color it in – the orange one.  I wanted to use it up and get rid of it so I painted the background of the card with the paint pen.  It was running low and didn’t cover the whole card completely, but I like the white peeking through in places. The theme of the weekend was “Simple” and what could be simpler than a stickers collage.  I got out my sticker box and picked some stickers that seemed like they could go together randomly and started adding them.  It was actually quite fun.  Collage without the sticky glue mess (and I always make a sticky glue mess).

Name – I named the card “Stuck in Time” partly because there is a clock on it and because of the “stickers”, but it could also connect with how I get stuck having too many ideas and not enough time to work on all of them. 

Challenge – I think I will just let myself do whatever comes to mind for the rest of the ATCs this month.  30 days is definitely pushing it to the edge of my attention span.  :)


  1. I like the play on words in this card. Plus I really love the kitties! Oh dear, are you becoming bored?? :)Does this mean you are finished with the "30 days" mentality?
    I understand how the ideas are hard to contain and/or work with.

    1. This doesn't mean the end of the 30 day mentality at all. It means that I am glad that it is only 30 days and that I will get to move on to something new for the next thirty days. :)

  2. I love the play on words in this card. I can certainly relate to having an unmanageable amount of ideas in your head. Does this mean at the end of the month you will no longer live in these 30 day increments? :)
